ModelDesign provides a variety of design, modeling, development and training services.


We provide practical solutions to real-world optimization problems. Our software currently saves customers hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. Using evolutionary computation techniques, we can solve complex, intractable problems in logistics, scheduling, and many other application areas. If you can measure it, we can optimize it.

User interface design

User interface design is the heart of good software. We can help you create software that is unmatched in usability and appearance. We are skilled at designing intuitive user interfaces for both client- and web-based applications. We can streamline your current application, or help you design new interfaces that are simple, elegant, and effective.

Software development

With experience in all major Smalltalk dialects, we can maintain and enhance your existing applications, or develop new ones. We specialize in updating older applications, giving them a modern look and feel while improving usability. Our enhancements can extend the life of your software, increase user productivity and reduce training time.
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Our clients

Our founder

Robert Whitefield, President

Robert Whitefield founded ModelDesign in 1997. He has expertise in user interface design and evolutionary algorithms. He lives in Chapel Hill, NC, with two nice cats, a turtle and an amazingly fantastic wife with mad WordPress skills.

Okay, pretty mediocre WordPress skills. But there you go.